150 x 200 mm
Oil on Board
“In the Padock”
Away from SA and wild animals for a while. Just longing for those mild summer days in good old blighty. Which brings me to the issue of Chinese crap goods that are taking over the world.
Have you bought anything made in China recently. My wife bought an alarm crock. Of course the instluctions were written in pidgeon Chinglish. I think that the last instruction should be ..Take hammer in left hand and crock in right hand. Bling left hand down on crock and thlow away. China will eventually have all the money in the world. Don’t spend money on Plingle of Scotland. It’s a falacy. There are no Chenese running around the Glens of Scotland, they are all running around Shanghai.
Anyway, thank goodness that they don’t go big on oil paints and brushes. Thay would have no problem breeding a million sable minks to slaughter for brushes. And then all the hairs would fall out.
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