150 x 200mm Oil on Board
"Bucket full of Coloured Roses"
I want to rush out six or so of these to give out as Christmas pressies. What do you think?
An afternoon spent on the back of a speeding Landrover dragging a dead rat on a string eventually resulted in an acceptable image of this cheetah, running head on with all of its feet in the air. The sun was setting very quickly as the saturated colours reflect.
150 x 200 mm Oil on Board
“Speed 1″ - Running Cheetah.
I have tried to capture the speed and the excitement of this Cheetah giving chase to a small bok. The background and foreground , in my opinion, are irrelivant and would detract from the theme of speed.
Many purists will hate this rendition. I like it. Am I right or wrong? It really would be interesting to hear.
This is my likeness of my Mother aged 86, from a photo taken last week.
She’s a funny old biddy. She has religiously phoned me once a week from the UK, and just lately now that the phone calls are much cheaper, once or twice a day, to see if my wife is giving me enough to eat. Don’t get me wrong, Lyn, my wife is the one who inherits everything, as she is ma’s favourite daughter. She forgets now. She’ll tell me something two or three times in the same conversation. She always kept herself young, by mixing with young people. She used to golf alot and always liked a good laugh.
I hate to see her looking so old. I hate to see me looking so old.
Young people out there….grab every single second of to-day and wring life out of it. You’ll never see to-day again. Also be careful what comes out of your mouth. Most things do indeed come to pass.
You can’t go far wrong by saying “I love you”, now and again.
You know I paint because I’m incapable of doing anything else since I was handed an incurable lung desease. But besides really enjoying the discovery of art and all of its facets, I have found that it has taken me on another parrallel discovery.
I joined a forum in America http://www.wetcanvas.com/ . I made many friends and discovered many new ways of approaching art. I started off by painting subjects that I could see. Animals, portraits, etc etc I still enjoy painting these subjects from time to time. But the best, the real challenge, is to paint what you can see in your mind and not with your eyes.
Try and envisage an abstract painting and put it onto canvass. It’s not easy. You may think it’s just slapping paint on canvass. Well I guess it can be sometimes, but I haven’t found it that way yet. I have found it more of a challenge of discovery than painting a merekat.
“Field of Poppies” - No I don’t think I’ve lost it yet, Maybe I have, who knows?
Anyway, the important point being, I think that you should try all things within reason (ie Say No to Drugs), and discover places, things and maybe most important, YOURSELF and how far you can push your mind. Try it, you’ll be suprised!
You may end up pushing your mind out in business and making a real success of your life.
All 150 x 200 mm Oil on Board
Do yourself a favour to-day. Be extra nice to someone that you don’t even know. They may think you’ve completely lost the plot, but both you and I know that you are actually getting nearer to the treasure. May long life, health, happiness and prosperity be yours forever.
I tried to give the impression of dust, noise, excitement and a sense of on the way home at last. It is the annual crossing of the River Mara by hundreds of thousands of Wildebeest. These are the lucky ones that crossed the river without drowning or getting caught by crocodiles.
Did I get there or did I fail miserably?
150 x 200 mm
Oil on Board
“In the Padock”
Away from SA and wild animals for a while. Just longing for those mild summer days in good old blighty. Which brings me to the issue of Chinese crap goods that are taking over the world.
Have you bought anything made in China recently. My wife bought an alarm crock. Of course the instluctions were written in pidgeon Chinglish. I think that the last instruction should be ..Take hammer in left hand and crock in right hand. Bling left hand down on crock and thlow away. China will eventually have all the money in the world. Don’t spend money on Plingle of Scotland. It’s a falacy. There are no Chenese running around the Glens of Scotland, they are all running around Shanghai.
Anyway, thank goodness that they don’t go big on oil paints and brushes. Thay would have no problem breeding a million sable minks to slaughter for brushes. And then all the hairs would fall out.