I have been working on one a day for the past week and have realy enjoyed the chalenge.
What cracked me up was the process of creating a blog and uploading the images.
I didn't get chance to describe each painting before it was loaded and therefor there is absolutely no comments next to the work. Maybe as time goes on I'll get all my ducks in a row and you will hopefully be able to enjoy my work a little more.
I look forward to your comments. If they are not the kind of comments I want to hear, I will be selective.
One thing that I would like you to bear in mind is that most of the kids featured in my paintings go to bed without food. When I said "go to bed", most of them have never had the experience of sleeping on a formal bed, probably a couple of sacks thrown together.
If you give any money to charities in Africa, please make sure that they go directly to the establishment that they are meant to go to. Thereare so many people that cash in on the victims of hunger andpoverty. Big salaries to run the charities etc.
Sleep well.